What Homeschooling & Working Outside The Home Looks Like: Interview with LM Preston
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creative ideas to simply teach writing, design your own writing curriculum, understand copywork, and find free printables. Everyone's situation is different and I don't know all your reasons for working outside the home or teaching when you can. You and your husband need to make those decisions according to your convictions, your children's needs and your situation. I feel like I am already pretty aware of my faults. Ha ha ha, so it should go well then right? I think it should be okay, because I really like the more lifestyle/less like a classroom type learning.
You can homeschool your kids and still have a job. Instead of thinking you can’t do it, think of all the reasons you CAN. I would create a plan with your spouse and/or family to help ensure your kids get the best experience possible.
How to Homeschool when you Work Outside the Home
Thanks for the encouragement and sharing a glimpse into how your family makes it work. That said, I know plenty of homeschooling parents who drive themselves crazy by planning WAY too much time for school. We are planning to homeschool our kids. Unfortunately we get questioned constantly because my husband and I both work.
If you work outside the home and want to homeschool, consider afternoon lessons, evening lessons, or even on weekends. You can also look at a year round approach, spreading out your plans over twelve months instead of nine. If you have extended family or friends who are supportive of homeschooling, pick their brains for ideas.
Homeschool Guide
They may be able to offer insight on how to make this work for you. The age old question about socialization almost always comes up, as well as inquires about what sort of curriculum we use. I’ve even fielded queries about how I managed to keep my house relatively clean while homeschooling. When you’re a homeschooling family, you’ll often hear comments and questions from others.
Let your child determine when the conversation has ended. I notice that when I give her those extra few minutes (and really, it’s often only 3-5 minutes), she leaves satisfied that mom cares. And why work at home if you’re not going to be available. I don’t care if that comes in 10-minute chunks on three different days.
Set your Home School Goals
Keep the career I’d worked hard to build and properly educate my child. Also, the relationship I have with my homeschool kids is so much deeper than I thought possible. The other difficult part is separating parenting from schooling. Also, we had to hire tutors for classes that we didn’t have the time or energy to study up on and teach them. This is the time to get serious about your children pitching in. Aw thanks Amy 🙂 A bit of a peek anyway.
This is a copy of the schedule that I keep visible all day. We are not slaves to it but it sure does help keep us all on track. Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project website (and book!) have been life-changing for me. I especially would encourage you to check out the Eight Splendid Truths of Happiness. But when I’m happy, I am more able to successfully manage all the things I try to do in a day.
Welcome, sudden COVID-19 homeschoolers
While you have a housekeeper cleaning your bathroom, you could plan ahead a few weeks in your school. If you have a neighborhood teenager helping out with some of your little ones, you could get caught up on laundry or plan some meals for the week. If you’re considering homeschooling and you work outside the home, take a deep breath. I’ve learned to look at my career as a blessing. I’m fortunate to have a career that pays well, provides health care benefits for my family, and allows me flexibility with scheduling. Use historical fiction, literature, and engaging biographies as your family’s bedtime stories.
Give yourself the gift of 1/336th of your time this week, and use that time to be refreshed and to create some positive mental energy to help you get through the next seven days. I’m not pretending this work-and-learn-and-live thing is easy. Some days, to be quite honest, it stinks.
This post was originally written in 2012, but recently updated with some more specific tips for the current situation. If you’re struggling, feel free to drop me a comment or email if you have specific questions. The condensed homeschool day was one of the things that surprised me most of all coming out of my work as a public school teacher.
With six children to care for, here are my top tips for getting it all done. This day is kind of less of “me” in it. I designed it as sometimes I end up working all day instead of half. They need to be able to learn without me. Homeschooling when one parent is home is difficult.
She considers her homeschooling style to be literature-based eclectic with a dash of Charlotte Mason. Formerly a teacher and librarian, she is currently working in media support for a local community college. She lives in Pontotoc, MS with her husband, two children, and four cats. Find a good support system, be it family or fellow homeschoolers, especially if you work daytime hours. Childcare centers that accept school-age children cannot accept them when school is in session. You will need someone your children can either stay with, check in with if they are old enough and responsible enough to stay home by themselves, or even someone to instruct them.
They were happy to have jobs, some were married, others were widowed or divorced, but those women – they were real life survivors. I settle into work, reading and finally emptying my inbox remarking unread to those I need to take action on. Around 4 pm my husband and I go to the gym. We talk about the day and what workout we have to do.
Options For Childcare While Homeschooling
Perhaps the most difficult aspect of homeschooling when both parents work is figuring out the logistics. This can be especially tricky when young children are involved. One of the easiest ways to ensure that there is always a parent at home with the children is to alternate work shifts with your spouse.
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